The Foundation Of Your Child’s Success

Parents=Schools=Community=Successful Child

Parents are the catalyst in rebuilding schools and communities. Involving the parents is significant and the most challenging part of revitalizing schools and communities, because oftentimes they are made to feel as though how they feel and what they think are of no consequence. If the parents are not involved in the schools and the communities, neither will evolve nor become prosperous; or an asset for the families that live there.

That saying “it takes a village to raise a child,” is definitely true. Children can not become well educated, healthy, knowledgeable or capable of succeeding if the child does not have that strong foundation. The foundation comes from the home and if the parents aren’t willing to understand that they have participated actively in their child’s education, change will not occur. This unfortunately creates a broken link in that child’s need for ability to succeed.

Accordingly, Parent involvement is a critical factor in ensuring school success; it results in better attendance, more positive attitudes about school (Henderson, 1989), and higher student achievement (Epstein, 1983). Parent participation is a key ingredient common to all the exemplary programs that has help children in the community to succeed.


Effective Mentoring Relationships


Internet Parental Controls